Monthly Archives: September 2007

Pictures and Saltmines

So, today is a nice…fairly sunny Saturday afternoon.  Odd.  Anyways, last night I uploaded some pictures…and, more importantly, figured out how to resize them on here so that it doesn’t completely fuck up the whole design of the page (it doesn’t look pretty with big pictures….trust me).

Yesterday we went to a salt mine down in Berchtesgaden, which we’ve been meaning to do for quite some damn time…but we finally made it.  It was a hellish day to drive…between the road construction and the pouring rain…it took us about an hour longer than it should have.  I posted all the pics we took on my photobucket page.  However, for any of you that are super-lazy, here’s a sample:
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Also uploaded are pictures from the Wies’n this year, which we went to on Monday.  We met up with some of Petra’s colleagues and got our drink on.  We were out in the beer garden just outside of a tent, but it was a beautiful day.  Most of this week it’s been quite miserable for weather…so that worked out well.  We also went on one of the big rollercoasters at the O’fest….and I was fairly drunk, so it was nice that it worked out *cough*.   Speaking of coughing, I’m still sick, been coughing to beat hell lately.

That being said, I’ve got a Berliner Kindl mit Schuss in die fridge…hmm…it may be calling my name.

No tours for a week!

That’s right everybody, I’ve got no tours for a week!  Last week I was sick…and I still am, just not as bad I think.  Sunday I had a Salzburg tour & I dragged Petra along to join in my misery…not that it was a bad day, it was absolutely beautiful weather…and I only had 6 people on the tour.  (a couple from Houston, 3 guys from Atlanta, and one lady from NY…well, mostly Miami…well…currently lives in Atlanta, do I want her life story?  no thanks…she’s way too ditzy to be interesting)….anyways….

So yeah, I nearly collapsed mid-day on Sunday, but the tour went well…even had pretty good tips.  We had lunch at the Augustiner Salzburg, which is far superior imo to Munich’s Augustiner…which shouldn’t even be compared as they have no relation.

Last night we went to the Oktoberfest, which was well…good fun, but I need to eat more before we get stuck at a table…unfortunately we were in a group, so I didn’t have much choice.

I should be adding pictures and a bit more this week despite not having any tours….because we’re doing touristy things ourselves.  For example, yesterday before the Oktoberfest outing we went over to Sealife….it was nice, for about an hour…luckily we had a buy one get one coupon, so we didn’t pay full price…

Coming up this week we plan on spending a day at the spa…and probably have a day in a salt mine too.  We may stop over to the Oktoberfest again for some food…but I doubt we’ll go back to get drunk and go on rollercoasters again!

Day 65 of my sickness…

Ok, maybe that’s an exaggeration.  However, it certainly feels like it.  In the last few days I have gotten a chance to catch Nick Lindman a few times to play an online game called Project Torque…which is free and kinda fun, I like racing games and this one is where you can play up to 8 people at a time from all over hell…so…well…I mentioned free, right?

Anyways, here’s the link to that:  Project Torque

I noticed the other day that I can’t put a larger picture in here without making this page look REALLY wrong…so I gotta figure out something with that, maybe I’ll have to re-size anything I want on here, which limits me quite a damn bit, because well…laziness does kick in at a certain point…that’s the point, typically.

I’ve been doing stats on my tours lately, actually typing them into excel that is and figuring out where all my tourists are from…I’m almost done with that, so I’ll have 6 months of data on there anyways.

The other day I had two canadians on my city tour, I was sicker than a dog…and I think they could tell, unfortunately.  So, well…they still had a good tour I think, but may have been worried that I’d die on’em. 

I’ve already called in about tomorrow…I thought last night that, ok, friday I’ll do another test on the system and go out there and see what I’m made out of….but today my chest hurts, I’m coughing like hell, and my nose started running again…it’s not as physically painful as it was a couple days ago, but…umm…getting people sick on their vacation probably isn’t a good thing either.

Still sick, I actually feel worse

Oh well, we can’t always be running around with dozens of people from all over the world without getting something from one of them (yeah, I’m blaming the tourists, they’re an easy target).

I should have had a Neschwanstein tour on Saturday…then a Salzburg tour today…but with my throat hurting, eyes burning, and nose running non-stop…I think I’d scare away the tourists, besides being in pain.  You know how it is when each and every joint in your body lets you know it’s there?  Yeah….lovely.

Looking at the weather forecast, I’ve been thinking of what I’m gonna wear with my lederhosen for oktoberfest, as it’ll be a tad bit nipply.  So the other day (ok, probably a week ago now) I was looking at a couple places that sold leather jackets that go with the lederhosen.  They appear to be around €70-80 for what I want.  I can use the jacket along with the lederhosen for tour guiding sometimes…so that’ll work.  I should wear my lederhosen a couple more times before it gets too cold.

Damn, I think I’m sick.

Well, I believe I have a sore throat/cough that could definately get worse, anyways.

Aside from that, I’ve had a couple of pretty good tours this week.  Today’s city tour was nice, I only had 6 people…so that’s always a good thing, well…not for the company, but for me.  All americans, but with one girl who’s been living in Munich for a few months.

On Wednesday I had a tour to Neuschwanstein that went great, nearly perfect….then yesterday I had, well…a half-way decent group, but one guy…who…well…was possibly the most annoying man I have ever met.  He was from Seattle…I’m gonna stay well away from Seattle for a while.  He just would NOT shut up…no matter what…his wife could have helped, but I think she was just happy that he had someone else to bore the shit out of. 

At this point I’m still playing with the features of the blog software that I’m using and am a bit unsure of how it’ll look….so any feedback could be useful.

The Wies’n starts in 8 days…here’s a pic of last year:
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So umm…I think my stomach is already hating me.

A day to reflect.

Well, today I got up and went out…and actually had a cancelled tour.  I’d have to look, but I believe it’s been a few months since I’ve had a cancelled tour due to no tourists.

SO, I had the day off.  Recent tours have been going fairly well, but for some reason I’m just feeling very jaded at the moment with tours in general…I just hope it’s not showing in my tours.  Tips have been pretty decent, hmm.

I got new business cards!  I doubt they’ll give me more business, but it can’t hurt to try.  Maybe when I’m feeling really motivated and have something else I want to scan, I’ll scan one and stick the image in the “about” area, why not.

On the subject of “a day to reflect”, I get it a lot where people ask me what the weirdest or most disturbing things I’ve seen on a tour are…and that’s a hard question to answer.  Part of it is my high tolerance to things that would normally disturb people…but also, part of it is that there’s been SO many disturbing, bizarre, strange, random, and wrong things that have happened.

A couple that I quite often mention just because A:  it’s true, and B: it serves its purpose to get some people who COULD NOT walk up to the bridge at Neuschwanstein to take the bus.  These are:  the 18 year old chubby-arse girl who collapsed on me about 1/3 of the way up (it was maybe 80F and well, I doubt she had left the couch in years)….and of course the Japanese man who looked like he was in pretty decent shape, but after walking 1/2 way up to the bridge, began puking….he continued for about 1.5 hours.  At one point I was talking to the group in front of a large map of Neuschwanstein and he was puking on the sign…I wish I had a camera, that really was a kodak moment.

I’ve got many more of these and should probably write more down, let me know if you like or dislike this idea. 

FYI:  the chubby girl’s sister said it happens “all the time”, and she came to in about 5 min.  She never made it to the bridge, but was able to see the castle and safely back to Munich, even fairly cheerful.

The Japanese man didn’t make it to the bridge…and was too busy puking to go into the castle.  I try to help people, sometimes they refuse….but what can you do?

Rain, rain, and more rain.

So, it’s raining again today.  Apparently between June and August we had 441 liters of rain (normal is about 377 liters).  Since I’m walking around outside all day nearly every day…this can be a problem.

The odd thing is, this year has been better than last year, so I don’t even realize it.

Finally yesterday I had a group that didn’t suck.  What do I mean by that?  well…the last three all-day tours I had before rock-am-see were some of the most boring people I’ve ever met.  The group yesterday to Salzburg was much better…hell, they were even NICE, weird, I know. 

However, there was one supid guy, he KEPT insisting that he had a dunkel spaten, it was on the menu, and it was BARELY darker than a normal spaten.  He said it was not their festbier, it was a dunkel…and it was pretty damn bright.  All I’m saying is, FIND ME A DUNKEL:

I was really trying to be nice by saying well maybe the translation was bad on the menu, or maybe the waiter/waitress didn’t hear him right when he said dunkel because then they would have said, oh, spaten doesn’t MAKE a dunkel….*Sigh*…I really tried….  Anyways, he was a nice guy, and if he didn’t bring it up that he didn’t like Spaten’s dark beer…then he would have not gotten a mention here…but…here’s your sign, guy from South Carolina (ok, to be fair he’s originally from PA)

Back from Rock Am See

It was a very unique concert.  NOFX lost power…had to do hand-stands, some weird-ass dancing, and some trumpeting to kill time.  They did entertain, however.  NIN weren’t able to have any of their lights/screen because of the power problems…and were VERY pissed off.  That was entertainment.

All things considered, we had a good weekend…it didn’t even rain on us!

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Rock Am See

Well, we’re up…it’s 7:55am and I’m just checking the weather, making sure I have my phone (I’ll try and do a shitty recording with it), and maybe throwing some NOFX and NIN on the mp3 stick for the car.  We’ve got a 2.5 hour drive down there, we’ll watch the show which should last til midnight, then we plan on sleeping in the car.

I think this year I want a long-sleeve shirt, not sure yet if it’ll be NOFX or Rock Am See or whatever….but I’ve noticed lately that nearly all my shirts are short sleeved…and one more option might be good.

The forecast for today is 60% chance of rain til noon…then 40% up til 6pm…then it should be clear…making it questionable.  The temperature at the moment is 57F…high today should be 64F….I’m sorta cold just thinking about being wet out there…