Monthly Archives: May 2008

Rick Steves in Munich

On Sunday the most famous tour guide in the world visited Munich…and Brendan invited me to be his tour guide. (well, we shared the duty, as Brendan is an expert on 3rd Reich and Jewish history, where as my focus has always been pre-world war)

Anyways, I grew up watching Rick Steves on TV on PBS and it was very exciting to see and meet him here in Munich. We spent a few hours walking around town going through his book making certain that everything was right and correcting any minor errors. (they were all minor)

I was very apprehensive about meeting him as although he seems very nice and pleasant on TV, I figured there was a 50% chance that he’d be the opposite off camera. I was wrong. He really is like he is on TV…and happy to accommodate the odd tourist who asks for an autograph or picture with him.

Keep buying those Rick Steves guide books, he really is a nice guy with enormous amounts of experience touring Europe.

Here are a couple pictures:

Rick Steves and I in Munich

This blog and

Recently I’ve been quite busy as always. Our wedding is coming up very soon (July 12th), and so of course we have to find rings, a dress, food, cakes, invitations, etc, etc. …and I’ll use that as an excuse as to why there is a slight lull here.

However, this summer is going to be exciting for anyone reading here as well as, of course, for myself. I’ll have guests staying here in July, which means I’ll be traveling all over the region and will hopefully have fun things to mention about that. In July, other than my wedding, I’ll have my mom and brother visiting so I’ll be doing tours which I normally don’t do around the area with them as well…and so that might be interesting. Then, in August Petra and I will be going to Paris and I’m sure I’ll have a ton to write about on that one.

Also, for www., I plan to write quite a number of articles to go along with the very randomness of my own blog here.