Apparently, a bar in Baltimore is giving free beer (or soda) to anyone who votes. God bless’em.
Bring on the free beer.
[Listening to: clown cars on cinder blocks – Dillinger Four – Civil War (3:16)]
Apparently, a bar in Baltimore is giving free beer (or soda) to anyone who votes. God bless’em.
Bring on the free beer.
[Listening to: clown cars on cinder blocks – Dillinger Four – Civil War (3:16)]
I went to German class today, but apparently everyone else was sick. SO, I’m back home and on my walk home I took some pics of my walk. Here’s what many would recognize if they’ve been in the area:
Other than that, the day was relatively uneventful.
I had a normal Munich Highlights Walk today, which is the standard two hour walk trying my best to fit most of the sights into two hours. It more or less works, but seems a lil rushed to me and doesn’t allow enough time to go into the churches or the Hofbräuhaus for example. Had a few Americans (Obama supporters), had a couple Aussies, and a guy from Ghana
For the record: the Americans tipped and the guy from Ghana tipped. Australians: what’s going on? I know, it’s not in your culture…but it should be. If I wasn’t hoping for tips, I’d probably be a mediocre tour guide, maybe that’s why…oh, this line of thought might get me in trouble.
I’m going to grab a Weihenstephan from the fridge, cheers everybody.
Had a couple tours recently, I’m no longer sick, though my nose hasn’t fully gotten the messege. Either way, I’m 95%, which according to many people, is about 45% better than your average tour guide.
I’ve got German class again tonight, which is down to just a couple of us…it moves too fast. I don’t think there’s any way AT ALL a complete newcomer to the German language could make it past lesson 3 at this pace, and if they made it to lesson 3 I’m impressed. Petra and I went over the first few lessons a lil bit yesterday and I think I’m better off scheduling time with Petra. The problem is, therefore, actually scheduling time for it rather than saying “oh, umm…not right now, in a couple hours…”…which means we’ll be too tired then and never mind.
It’s a good thing I still have my German book from Winona State, because it’s 50x better than the book that German schools use (they nearly all use the same books…which are horrible, imo).
The U.S. election is only a week away, so I’ve booked a spot at a big election night party for the night of the 4/5th…and plan on it being a long night. Even if everything goes my way, it’ll be AT LEAST 2am before the presidential election would be called, and much later for the Al Franken decision.
Anyone in Minnesota: VOTE FOR AL FRANKEN. Thank you.
Tomorrow I have a Neuschwanstein tour, but today…another day off to recover from whatever sickness this is. Petra took half a day off yesterday because even she couldn’t work with how sick she felt…and she NEVER takes off sick. (which I don’t understand with an office job…)
Anyways, one of the things I’ve been doing lately is playing a game very similar to RISK, but online. The game’s called Conquerclub, and is better than RISK, as there are all kinds of maps and always people to play against. If anyone wants to play against me, here’s the link.
A lot of people have been adding me to Facebook recently…kinda odd. Especially since myspace has been rather quiet lately.
[Listening to: Louise – NOFX – Pump Up The Valuum (1:49)]
Last week was typical, but today I’m sitting here….two days in a row, sitting here. Very odd. I’m thinking I’m going to have to start up my various other jobs to fill in the cash drop next month as business for me looks like it hit the toilet. Oh well.
In other news, I’ve been reading my cousin David’s blog here.
It’s good to have some sort of “news” from him as he seems to attempt to be as elusive as possible to me. (do I smell?)
German classes are coming along, I spent most of the day going over the articles (die, der, das) of various words I already know…but it’s the little things that can make all the difference.
As some of you may have also noticed, I sometimes have what I was listening to at the time of writing at the end of each post. In this case, it’s Kepi Ghoulie…the song that he played specifically for me when he was here in Munich. You might know him from the Groovie Ghoulies. If you don’t know them at all, it’s fun poppy rock-n-roll with a halloween theme. This is from his solo album though, similar theme.
That’s right, after several years here in Munich, I’ve finally found the time/money to take some German lessons again. Petra found this school that’s extremely reasonably priced compared to other schools we looked into, and class sizes are…well, 3 people in my class!!
So, I’ve had the first class now and the 2nd class will be tonight, and so far it’s looking promising. At the same time, we’ve only covered things I already know, so far…so…well…it’ll get harder quick. However, I’m excited to be taking classes again as everyone around here seems to insist of German, go figure…
Here’s a pic of the school’s sign:
I seem to be doing lots of both private tours and Neuschwanstein lately, but that pays the bills, so that’s fine by me. Since the Oktoberfest is over the crowds have settled down quite a bit and that is certainly a good thing.
Today I had a private tour, a group of older Americans, and it was great. It really is nice when everyone on the tour actually is interested in what they’re seeing and don’t just want to click and run. Also, since it was a private tour, I had a little extra time to show them things that I always like to include, but rarely have the time for. *sigh*
Here’s a couple recent pictures taken in the last week er so: