I went to German class today, but apparently everyone else was sick. SO, I’m back home and on my walk home I took some pics of my walk. Here’s what many would recognize if they’ve been in the area:
Other than that, the day was relatively uneventful.
I had a normal Munich Highlights Walk today, which is the standard two hour walk trying my best to fit most of the sights into two hours. It more or less works, but seems a lil rushed to me and doesn’t allow enough time to go into the churches or the Hofbräuhaus for example. Had a few Americans (Obama supporters), had a couple Aussies, and a guy from Ghana
For the record: the Americans tipped and the guy from Ghana tipped. Australians: what’s going on? I know, it’s not in your culture…but it should be. If I wasn’t hoping for tips, I’d probably be a mediocre tour guide, maybe that’s why…oh, this line of thought might get me in trouble.
I’m going to grab a Weihenstephan from the fridge, cheers everybody.