It’s that time of year again, when tour numbers have hit mid-winter numbers, yet we have pretty darn nice weather. It makes for some great days as a tour guide, but it also means the company is not that happy, as they’re not making hardly anything, if anything.
Then of course there’s the new plague of beggers trying to extend their vacations by becoming “free tour guides”, learning a script and telling all kinds of factually inept tales….but let’s not get into that.
Today was the first day in a long time that I had to cancel a tour, as no one turned up. Oh well, it gives me time to listen to Groovie Ghoulies cd’s, as the singer will be doing a free acoustic set of Groovie Ghoulies stuff and his own solo cds, of which he released two this year. They’ve been a favorite of mine since I was about 16 (seen the ghoulies manyt imes), so it’ll be fun seeing him doing his thing in Munich.
Forgot about the Ghoulies, they were great live.