I’ve taken a few pics randomly down in Salzburg…this first one is of Untersberg from the Europark shopping mall at the edge of town.
This second one is in the same direction, while I was waiting at the bus stop, heading back to meet up with my group.
Finally this last one is of a Smart car that they have in the mall right now. I had never actually sat in one and played around with all the features, so this gave me the chance. I’m about 6’2″, and that’s about as tall as you can be for this car, but was quite comfortable at my height…so should be good enough for most people. It feels like a go cart and the spedometer only goes to 140kph…so isn’t much faster than a go cart either.
[Listening to: Scotty Doesn’t Know (The Secon – Lustra – What You Need & What You Get (3:02)]