Grünwald’s castle

Hi everybody, I’ve been too lazy lately to write much…sorry.  Last Sunday Petra and I went down to Grünwald, which is a southern suburb of Munich, to finally visit their castle.  I was very impressed with it myself, having low expectations for any castles that close to Munich.  However, I definately recommend it to anyone who really wants to see a real castle and is in the area at length.  Here’s some pics we took at Grünwald’s castle.

So basically, if you live in Munich…go see it…if you’re visiting, and it’s under 2 weeks, don’t bother…there’s just so many other things to see that I’d recommend first.

The most comparable castle in the area in my opinion is Blutenburg.  Some of our visitors we’ve dragged out to Blutenburg, the only castle in Munich itself.  Grünwald’s castle is a bit more impressive in my opinion just because you can actually go up the towers and they’ve made a proper museum out of it, where as with Blutenburg, it’s a children’s library and a restuarant…located in a park.  For those who haven’t been to Blutenburg, again…it’s not a major site, but if you have plenty of time…or happen to be in the area behind Nyphenburg palace…then go for it.

here’s a pic of Grünwald’s caste (and Petra):
 Petra and Gruenwald castle

…and here’s a much older picture of Blutenburg castle in Munich:

Blutenburg Castle, Munich

3 thoughts on “Grünwald’s castle

  1. john bracher

    Gentlemen : 50 years ago I saw a site near Gruenwald, south of Munich, called then “the Roemershanz”. Since then I have come to believe it is not Roman at all, but possibly a much earlier Celtic religious site. Could you please give me any information about this? By now my German is pretty bad – I apologise.
    Sincerely, John Bracher, York, Pa., USA

  2. NOFXmike Post author

    Interesting. Although the Hallstatt culture certainly was all around Bavaria, I am not aware of any remains that they left in the Munich or Gruenwald area. Could you elaborate any more on this as to why you think it was a Celtic religious site and where exactly it was?

    The only thing I’ve seen of historical value near Gruenwald is the castle itself (and nearby castles which were all converted into palaces or homes).

  3. John Bracher

    Thanks you very much for the reply about the Romershanz! Nobody seems to want to enlighten me! The “Baedeker” guidebook to Munich and Environs, published ca. 1900, described a “Roman fort” south of Grunwald, that was built to guard the salt caravans over the Isar River. My young friends and I rode our bycycles down the Schliessweg from Harlaching to Grunwald, and I believe past the Castle, and discovered a ringed earthen fortress, with deep ditches or moats, all much overgrown by trees.
    I don’t think it was Roman, based on my readings since then, but I believe this was Celtic, due to the circular configuration. “Google Earth” mentions several sites in Grunwald that are “Roman or Celtic walls”. These are _in the village, and I think what I saw was outside of Grunwald. It was fairly close to the brink if the cliff overlooking the River. I can’t believe the Internet won’t give me more information on (what appears to me) to be an important site! Thanks ahead for your reply – Sincerely – John Bracher, York, PA, USA (


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